Corrosion-free and durable stainless steel thimble-Perfect for marine, automotive and industrial applications.

Stainless steel consists of chromium and low carbon. Its anti-corrosion properties are inherent to make it resistance to corrosion. So it can be ideal for making stainless steel thimble and other industrial or commercial hardware products for uses. It may be consisting of different grades of stainless steel. However, 304 industrial grades and 316 marine grades are termed as the most common. Stainless steel thimble made of 304 industrial grades contain most oxidizing acids and can withstand ordinary rusting, making it the most appropriate choice for outdoor uses in industry, agriculture, automotive, and construction environments. Type 316 marine grade 304 industrial grades contain molybdenum that makes it resistant to harsh salty ocean water. Hence, it is pretty much useful in extreme conditions or moisture or a high chloride environment. Both stainless steel thimbles give excellent value as they tend to be healthy and durable. However, it is little bit expensive than its counterparts.


The purposes of stainless steel thimble are to underline and support the eyes made by looping the exteriors of wire ropes together. It can be the better, durable, and safe alternatives to wire clips and swage sleeves thimbles. Its surface can be an excellent aid in supporting the wire rope eye by preventing pinching and fraying of the wire rope hence extend the life of the cables as well.  Stainless steel thimbles can be used with swage sleeves or wire rope clips as well. These are available in standard-duty, heavy-duty, stainless steel material, and sizes to best suit your needs. The stainless steel thimbles are engineered and manufactured complying with the federal specification while maintaining the international quality level. It is ideal for marine, automotive, and industrial rigging and wire rope applications. It also protects the cable eye from wear or abrasion over its coupling part.

Bonds and shackles are ideal for connecting loops in wire rope or three strandlines, but they are a constant wear point that can grind away at the wire or string and weaken it. Using a sturdy stainless steel thimble creates the loops that provide an excellent way to protect the cable or rope. It serves as a guide for just the right radius in the loop. These 304 and 316 stainless steel thimbles are corrosion resistant and robust enough to match the high loads carried by wire rope products. Also, they are available in numerous sizes online to match your wire diameter for a perfect fit and perfect loop. Stainless steel thimble will protect your wire rope, straps the rope or cable, and act as a protection to your steel rope.


Stainless steel thimbles have the best corrosion resistance capability in comparison to any of the materials. Hence, the stainless steel thimbles ideal for outdoor or harsh environment use. They are available in the different inside diameters as per client’s precise need. Also, it fulfills all the federal specifications. It is ideal for adding chafe protection to loops in the wire rope line. Even the stainless steel thimbles are available in sizes ranging from 3/32″ to 1/2” and 1/6″—1” to ensure a perfect fit for every project.  The heavy-duty stainless steel thimble is available in different sizes ranging from 3/16″ to 1-1/4,” providing it an ideal option for every project. The stainless steel thimble made of grade 316 stainless steel has maximum corrosion resistance capability and durability. It is suitable for rigging and wire rope applications in yachts towing large tenders, work boat, and barge applications.

For selecting the best quality yet durable Stainless steel thimbles of your need, trust in Quality Marine Hardware (QMH)! You can search your need or customize as precise need by calling them at 909-548-2884 or 781-312-7242 today!

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Types of stainless steel eye bolts for your precise need

Eyebolt hardware is exceptionally versatile, and there are many types of eye bolts that come in a variety of sizes. Each stainless steel eye bolt type has many practical applications in a variety of industries. When it comes to the utility of stainless steel eye bolt, it can only use in vertical or angular forms. Choosing the right stainless steel eye bolt for your job is crucial! If you need support in selecting one of the best, you can rely on a reputed manufacturer that produces a wide range of stainless steel eye bolts for you.

Reputed manufacturers of stainless steel eye bolt specialize in producing and supplying different type of eye bolt and also offer very best quality products to meet your requirements.

Long shoulder eye bolt: Long shoulder eye bolt built with marine grade stainless steel makes the long shoulder eye bolt supremely reliable. It helps in preserving the strength of the eye and prevents the shanks from bending or deforming. Stainless steel eye bolts with a long shoulder are best used for either straight line or angular lifting and loading.


Machine eye bolt: It is used as an assembly point in rigging applications. The machine eye bolt is ideal for angled lifts due to its unique shoulder design that enhances its strength level.

U-Bolt: Shaped with a curved base, the SS U-bolt has two threaded arms that offer excellent fastening points for a secure performance and grip. Such stainless steel eyebolt is pretty much ideal for attaching pipes, rods, cords or wiring to a machine, pole, beam, etc. A crosspiece insert can make it more secure in some situations.

Eyebolt with ring: This stainless steel eye bolt is designed to receive rigging products such as a wire rope or shackle. It is also available with washers.

Lag eye screw: Stainless steel lag eye bolt and screw act as an excellent anchor point for all exterior and interior use. It had tapered the sharp end for screwing into wood, plastic, or anything alike yet. A bigger, in its length, makes them ideal when a typical eyebolt can be too short.


Lag screw with ring:  Lag screws with ring eye bolts are designed to be used in the rigging industry. It will be useful to anchor wire ropes. The lag screw with ring eye bolt can best be used as an attachment point in wood or concrete.

Ring nail:  Ring nails are best used as an attachment point in wood,. Its ridge in the shaft holds its place intact. Thre stainless eye bolts made of marine grade steel can give you superior protection against harsh weather conditions and corrosion.

Eye Rivet: Eye rivet design eye bolts have a smooth shaft that fits into a pre-drilled hole. Its end can be made to create a permanent fastener. It can be an excellent alternative for lightweight and high strength eye bolts.

If you have any questions regarding eye bolts and what will work best for your specific needs, contact the experts at Quality Marine Hardware (QMH). You can call them at 909-548-2884 or 781-312-.7242 today! They will always ready and happy to assist you!

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Wire Trellis: Facilitating Produce Sufficiency for Farmers

Are you a farmer who wants to nurture a small or large scale garden? Your chances of succeeding are dependent on the methods and techniques you adopt. Perhaps, you want to invest in climb plants. Wire trellis can provide the needed assistance in ensuring that you have the best yields year in year out. Therefore, here are some of the important reasons why gardeners and farmers embrace wire trellis during cultivation.


1. Wind control

If your major source of income is farming, then you need to prepare for the worst-case scenario. One of the things you have to contend with is a windy storm. Since you don’t want to lose your crops to the weather, you need to use wire trellis. Fortunately, this product can assist your crops in having a firm grip while having their roots in the soil. This way, a heavy wind will not blow off your effort a few days before your harvest.

2. Healthy crops

What is the essence of cultivating your seedlings only to receive little or nothing during harvest? The fact is that climb plants do not have strong stems. Therefore, it’s natural to find your farm produce on the ground. Unfortunately, keeping your crops on the ground for too long can destroy them. The reason is that it’s very easy for the soil to act on your farm produce without your notice. Moreover, pests can cause major damage to your produce. However, there is a guarantee for a bountiful harvest when you use trellis support for your plants. The essence is to keep your crops from touching the ground.


3. Fertilizer application

Adding fertilizers to your plants can improve the quality of your produce. Therefore, the wrong application of it cannot give you the best results even after spending a whole lot buying them. Fortunately, the trellis system can help you with the correct application of fertilizer on your soil. This way, you don’t disperse your fertilizers haphazardly because you cannot locate the root of your crops. Rather, you rest assured of getting the best results with your fertilizer application.

Finally, you don’t have to experience multiple crop damage in this new season. Therefore, you need to adopt some planting methods that can keep your business running. Unfortunately, farmers experience a lot of challenges, especially when there is little to no backing for producing good crops. However, the emergence of wire trellis can help you deal with your challenges especially when you are into climb plants. All you have to do is make a call today for more inquiries.

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Cable Railing: Giving Architectural Platforms an Irresistible Look

As a homeowner, you need to create an enabling environment with which the occupants can appreciate the structure. Perhaps, your railings are made of wood or iron. It’s only a matter of time before these railing materials begin to lose their appeal. However, you can start opting for stainless steel cable railing, owing to its usefulness in the field of architecture. As a matter of fact, using this product in your home or office has quite a number of benefits. On this account, here are some of the highlights.

  1. Durability

How often do you have to keep changing railings that cannot withstand the weather? The fact is that you may be expecting to see a corrosive effect on them. Likewise, the wooden railing can take a bad shape which may not be pleasing to the eyes. Fortunately, you can always bank on cable railing because of its stainless coating. Moreover, it’s always easy to maintain this product. However, it’s important that you don’t use abrasive materials to clean it. Therefore, it’s advisable to use mild cleaning materials to wipe dirt off its surface. Fortunately, you may find it hard to detect dirt on this product. After all, it’s appearance doesn’t make dirt appear obvious.


Also, there is a recycling policy that comes with using this item in your home or office. Perhaps, you have them in the open in your apartment. You can always send out the old ones in for recycling. This way, you rest assured of saving cost in the area of purchasing another set of railings.

  1. Space

Perhaps you run a large organization in which a lot of staff have to work together. You can use this product to create convenient sections in areas that look stuffy. This way, air can pass freely from one location to another, giving your staff the freedom to work freely. Moreover, the aesthetic look of stainless railing can help increase productivity among your staff.

  1. Support

Apparently, people need a form of support whenever they want to use the staircase or walkways. Therefore, you can opt for a material which can give a firm grip to the young and old. This way, you rest assured of not experiencing a slip of the foot while walking on a smooth surface.

Finally, the stainless steel cable railing is the ideal choice for your buildings. The fact is that you tend to improve the curb appeal of any kind of structure with this product.  Therefore, you shouldn’t hesitate to call in today in order to select dimensions that are befitting for your apartment.

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Cable Railing: Bringing a Unique Blend of Beauty to Your Structures

Is your building nearing completion, and you want to give it a special effect? Opting for cable railing can help you actualize this remarkable plan for your home. The fact is that cable railing can provide a better material cover for structures. Perhaps, you are thinking about installing wooden designs for your home. Therefore, having a second thought on a better railing product can do you a lot of good. On this note, here are some of the beneficial highlights of investing in this product.

1. Durability

Do you want to create an irresistible curb appeal? Investing in railing can make a massive difference in your structures. Here, you don’t have to think of reinstalling your railings after your first attempt. The fact is that these railings come with stainless steel coatings. Therefore, you rest assured of having a less corrosive effect on them. After all, you will expect hands to go on the railing at several intervals. At this point, using a wooden material will only make you incur extra expenses soon. Therefore, you rest assured of averting curb appeal expenses soonest when you invest in quality railings.


Also, cable railings are stronger than you can ever imagine. Here, you can bank on the integrity from not failing at any point. This way, you can always rest on them without the fear of falling.

2. Flexibility

If you want to give your structures a unique blend, you shouldn’t hesitate to opt for railings. The fact is that railing has a way of appearing invisible when you are far from them. This way, your structures can enjoy space and ventilation. Perhaps, you want to give your staircase attractive to your potential tenants. Putting your money on railings can help you pull off a home lease deal successfully. After all, railing installation is easy to fix and detach. Therefore, you can create any design that you think suits your comfort or interior properties of your home.

3. Easy maintenance

You don’t have to participate in continuous maintenance routine for your cable railing. The fact is that stainless steel can repel dust. At this point, you can get a damp cloth to clean this product. This way, you rest assured of having a sparkling railing that doesn’t need maintenance or new painting. After all, the color effect of the stainless steel is sustainable.

Finally, you can always put your hopes on a product that can guarantee results. Therefore, your structures can give a lasting impression when you invest in durable materials. Interestingly, you can get these items at an affordable price. On this note, you shouldn’t hesitate to call in today to place an order.

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The Reasons for Using Stainless Steel Quick Link

You may be associated with a job or industry where you require the use of quick links. If you wish to have the best then you need to buy stainless steel quick link from QMH INC. There are obvious reasons for having such from them.

The reasons for having stainless steel quick link from QMH INC

The primary reasons for having such quick link from them QMH INC is that their association with such production for years. Their long association has given them the experience and knowledge to use the best quality stainless steel to manufacture the perfect stainless steel quick link.

High resistance: Stainless Steel has a high protection from erosion. Low alloyed ones can oppose corrosion in air conditions, while exceptionally alloyed ones can oppose erosion in even acids, alkali and chloride bearing situations. The stainless steel quick link of QMH INC is made of such grade stainless steel that it has high resistance to oppose any nature for corrosion and used in any circumstances.


Self-healing: Stainless steel has the extraordinary capacity to self-mend, making it immensely solid. Chromium in the steel takes into consideration the development of chromium oxide film on its surface. At the point when harm happens, this layer is actuated by oxygen inside the air or water, initiating oneself mending properties. The stainless steel quick link that you can have from QMH INC has this self-healing property as they select the metal having best of chromium composition.

Strength to weight: A noteworthy preferred standpoint to utilizing stainless steel is its high solidarity to weight proportion. The cold work solidifying properties of some tempered steels can diminish material thickness and decrease weight and cost while different hardened steels can be warm treated to make hugely high quality segments. The stainless steel quick link that you can have from QMH INC has such property making it the ideal one to be used in the conditions you desire.

Variety offered: QMH INC has the ability to offer varieties of stainless steel quick link. They have quick links in different shape and size and you can easily select one that suites your purpose. Moreover, they offer such quality quick links at an affordable price. Their price and quality cannot be matched by anyone else.

So, it can be said with certainty that having such quick links made of stainless steel from QMH INC is profitable from all sides.

So, do call us at QMH INC dialing 909.548.2884 when you desire to have such quality quick links.

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Stainless Steel Shackle: Getting Satisfactory Remarks out of Reliable Product

It is not hard to find shackles in sectors such as rigging, marine or fishing. Yet, you feel unsettled by the fact that the substandard shackles can fail at any moment. Unfortunately, one of the leading causes of accidents can be traceable to a compromised shackle. Therefore, the way in which you can avert accidents is by selecting on quality stainless steel shackles.


Stainless steel shackles are a superior brand of steel that you can trust because of their unique features. Some of these features are highlighted below.

  1. Weather resistance

Rusting effect is noticeable on our T316 materials which has been passivated during the production. Perhaps you have an industrial setup. You should consider cutting excessive cost by getting materials that can stand the test of the weather. Regardless of the type of condition you are using your shackle, stainless steel shackles can assure you of sustainability.

  1. Durability

Site maintenance is one of the major ethics that can keep a company running constantly. A crucial part about maintenance is observing routine checks. These checks are necessary for spotting errors that can cause a disastrous accident in an industrial setting. However, you can reduce the number of your routine checks by half when you opt for stainless steel shackles. The reason is that stainless steel materials have the capacity to remain corrosion resistance in tough condition for long periods. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about future disappointment when you bank on these products.

  1. Stain resistance

The stainless steel shackles are easy to maintain because the characteristic of stainless steel is very easy to when dirty or any substance getting on it. The fact is that some materials require you to paint them after washing the dirt off them. In your bid to extend the lifespan of your metallic items, you are compelled to spend money on painting. However, you can think of a cost-effective maintenance when you opt for stainless steel shackles. Rather than buy a paint to keep your shackles new, you can invest in a stainless material instead.


Finally, you should always think of durability whenever you want to invest in materials that are industrial related. As an industrialist, you need to work with the best tools to ensure continuity in labor. Stainless steel shackles can provide you with the cover you need to safeguard lives and property within your industry. You can decide to start buying the stainless steel shackles today, allowing you to replace them with the old ones.